Natascha Hagen - Official Website


I hope you'll enjoy your journey with me into the realm of Pop music and inspirational thoughts!
Thank you very much for your continued love and support!

Sep 3 '15

Female First UK series – why do men feel attracted to older women?

Hello everybody! Here is my latest article that I wrote for the magazine Female First on why men seem to be drawn to older women. Interesting what men told me when talking to them about this topic. Hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Aug 8 '15

Female First UK series – The bucket list

Hello my dear friends, blog readers, music lovers, “Ambassadors of Light and Love”, Recently I wrote another article for the magazine Female First UK about the topic “bucket list” and what I experienced when checking off the point “go on a road trip” on mine. For those of you who don’t know what a bucket […]

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Jun 28 '15

Female First UK series – How your strengths can make you happy

Hello dear friends! This week’s article for the online magazine “Female First UK” treats the topic “strength” and how finding out your strengths can increase your sense of well-being. I came across the “24 character strengths” (CSV) , developed by two positive psychologists, Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson, and found this approach quite helpful, so […]

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Jun 2 '15

Female First UK series – The International Film Festival in Cannes and its controversy

Just like every other week, I wrote a blog post for the popular magazine Female First UK. This time the article is about how I perceived Cannes during the Film Festival 2015 and about the controversy that came up, since security obviously denied women who were not wearing high heels access to film screenings. Because of […]

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May 15 '15

Female First UK series – Say “yes” to yourself

Is it possible that you have unfulfilled desires that are bothering you subconsciously? Could it be that by striving for wealth and for success, you are looking for personal appreciation? A lot of times, we are compensating unfulfilled wishes with substitute actions, like shopping, eating, going to the hairdresser, superficial affairs etc., but without finding satisfaction (or only […]

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Latin Billboards Awards 2017
May 1st, 2017
By Natascha

Natascha Hagen at the Latin Billboards 2017
May 1st, 2017
By Natascha

Natascha Hagen goes Latin!
April 22nd, 2017
By Natascha
