Hello to all baking enthusiasts, friends and fans, Since we’re in the Christmas season, I tried myself the other day at baking “angel cake pops” with Elke, a friend of mine. It was a fun experience and I think the result looks quite good (what do you think? ;-)) and more importantly, the angel […]
Hello to all out there, a big hello to people around the world! This post is all about friendship. I have just had my birthday and my girls and I decided to have a “girls night” and celebrate together. We had a wonderful time together, nice talks and a lot of fun and I thought […]
Hello my friends, “Like attracts like – you get what you expect.” For those of you who haven’t heard of “the law of attraction,” I will try to explain how its principles work and for those of you who already know about it, well then it is just a quick reminder to watch your thoughts […]
Tomorrow I will finally be in Los Angeles again, where I will meet songwriters and do some co-writing AND have my well deserved vacation, too :-))) Woohoo!!! I am really looking forward to being in Los Angeles again, although I am quite a coward if it comes to flying….I guess I will never get used […]
Hello dear friends and fans, Easter is coming up soon ;-). I hope that, wherever you are located, the weather is as sunny and pleasurable as it is here right now and that you have time to enjoy it and do some nice stuff with your family and friends! I wish you all a wonderful […]