A bird story - Natascha Hagen

A bird story

Feb 4 '15

A bird story

Hello dear friends,

I have a bird story for you as an example for the complexity of our thoughts.

When I was in Egypt for a few days, I saw how a bird was trying to drink from the water in the pool. He was sitting on the rim of the pool, where the mark in the picture is. Right beside where the bird sat, there would not have been a rim, he would have been right at the water and could have drunk without any effort.

Still the bird was trying to get a beakful of water while he was staying on the rim, but it was just too high for him. He was trying so hard,  but he didn't succeed to get his beak into the water. What he didn't see was that if he had taken only two steps to the left, there would not have been a rim and he could have drunk without any problem.

Sometimes we cannot see the wood for the trees. We think that things have to work a certain way and we are trying to push into that direction. If we would step aside and look at the situation again, we would probably see different ways and maybe even better solutions.

With love,

